Monday, February 13, 2017

Exchange and KOSDAQ next month two days Indirect Investment Seminar held

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] Korea Exchange KOSDAQ market is long-term and stable investment demand and creating a sound investment culture in order, come March 2nd international conference on the exchange '2017 in the first KOSDAQ Indirect Investment Conference 'held will.

The investment is subject to institutional and private investors briefing was conducted last year for the activation of the KOSDAQ Kosdaq 150 and 150 utilize a variety of ETF · ETN sector index products, which will be held this year, a total of three times.

The Investment Conference In recent years the United States and is expected to be a lecture on the global market trend analysis looks mixed according to the political uncertainty in Europe and the KOSDAQ market prospects, KOSDAQ stocks based ETF · diversify the ETN introduction and use them, exponential directional investment, It will guide you through a variety of investment strategies, including sector investment.

Investment Seminar Registration is possible via e-mail is coming up to 28 days.

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