Monday, February 13, 2017

FSS, visiting college students finance lectures by next month

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] Financial Supervisory Service said that financial education across the country 28 universities wishing to about 20,000 that conduct financial education to 13 students during the orientation period of the day. Is 29 month period from the fall in the last 10 days.

If the college has a variety of financial transactions, such as student loans or use credit cards, but knowledge of the lack of credit, debt management or fail to be harmed by fraud. According to most sources credit with a 2.3% delinquency rate of 25-year-old high consumers, the financial 20s Complaints also continue to operate a desperate condition-related education programs have seen an increase in the FSS are received.

In the FSS will be carried out over the river 32 times in the relevant financial considerations, Europe and America, the Far East, Daegu Science, Myongji-18 Application in Busan, Busan Catholic University. The University will not go directly to distribute the financial education materials.

College freshmen need for student loans and credit management practices, financial fraud and damage prevention programs tailored to the know-how and international students who plan to introduce the center to create savings accounts, etc. Financial Guide to Living in Korea.

FSS official said, "to learn the necessary financial knowledge Students should be aware of various scholarships and student loans, college students should expect to target fraud prevention to help correct such as life and Financial Fraud," he said.

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