Monday, February 20, 2017

Incheon livestock cooperatives, net profit 1.784 billion won

[Korea Incheon financial newspaper reporter Lee, Dong - Kyu] Incheon livestock cooperatives (By Richard Hong union president) said it has achieved a healthy profit or loss settlement last year with 1.784 billion won (pre-tax).

Last year, the credit business was recorded in deposits and mutual finance the loan balance 416.014 billion won, respectively, 333.308 billion won. This is a YoY, respectively ₩ 60.077 billion, 55.632 billion won increase earnings at a time. Last year, the economy of the business is the business of selling 69 million increase was 36 million won to 1.42 billion won the previous year, Mart business also increased 18 billion 284 million won to 26 million won a year earlier. Education Support Project was supported by a total of 648 million won. This material was included, such as livestock and Forklifts fee required for membership of the axes. Incheon livestock cooperatives said that "all employees across the company achieved a result of 10 001 Deposits and loans have greatly neulmyeo and phenomenal efforts to increase deposits and loans" and "After overcoming the members and employees a challenging environment."

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