Wednesday, February 22, 2017

KIC financial policy support additional year maturity extension

[Korea Jeongseon financial newspaper reporters] are extended Kaesong resident financial institutions Amount expiration policy for a year now.

Financial Services Commission said that 22 days to avoid the difficulty of Kaesong tenants arrears occur, such as a weighted extend for one year the existing lending policies of financial institutions, the warranty expires.

Since the closing Kaesong February 10 last year policy financial institutions gave extend the existing loan guarantee repayment, grace and maturity upcoming expiration year. · Special scale of 550 billion won a special loan guarantee fund was also established.

Kaesong move to the end of last year, the company has been supporting both the policy of 648.5 billion won fund. New loans, guaranteed 281 billion won, extending maturities, repayment is deferred scale 361.3 billion won. Interest rates were around 6.3 billion won to support the cuts.

Financial Services Commission said it "will ask for the cooperation, including commercial banks one-year extension.

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