Thursday, February 23, 2017

Oh NH- Mundi operation, olset achieve target revenue fund buying smart division

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] NH- Oh Mundi Asset Management 'NH-Amundi Allset Smart Investor Split 5.0 BUY Fund is to achieve a 4% profit target after only six months in August last year subjected to the third rebalancing he said Tuesday.

While funds have been rising since September 2014, the KOSPI has 3.12% market funds have achieved a cumulative return of 12.56% (A class standard).

The fund will operate in a manner out gradually increase the proportion each time you start a further equity investment in the stock market price changes from the initial 20% equity share. Whenever the price change, regardless of the number of split times is the price going strategy to automatically split by the number of prescribed manner.

Achieving the 'NH-Amundi Allset Smart Investor Split 5.0 BUY fund is 4% (A class standard) revenue to reduce the equity ratio to 20% out gradually increase the equity weighting again. This strategy is top of each other to build themselves top of each other to achieve a profit. It can also serve as a device that can control the desire for greater than income.

Oh baeyounghun NH- Mundi Executive Asset Management Marketing Strategy Headquarters "can realize a conservative investment approach and stable return on equity indices are currently drawing attention to individual investors" and "price advantage in buying stock index fluctuations and relationships that split product "that can be said without any investment.

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