Monday, March 20, 2017

Amphibian cooperatives, insurance improved 41% YoY

[South Korea Lee, Dong - Kyu financial newspaper reporter] amphibian cooperatives (union president yeowongu) has achieved a year-end compared to 41.02 percent (4.338 billion won) raised 14.9 billion from last year's earnings of 14 million won premium. Withholdings of credit business has grown to 416.925 billion won 9.46 percent compared to the end of the previous year (36.044 billion won), loans 302.241 billion won 9.57 percent (26.396 billion won) compared to the previous year end improved. Insurance card fees and earnings were up 20 billion last year end of 2015 to 19 million won (1.89 billion won) compared to 129 million won.

Delinquency ratio at the end of 2015 also fell by 4.38% to 2.59% 1.79% points last year. To more than 70 years of senior members were veteran members 880 extra welfare passes also available.

Last year, net profit of 2.7 billion amphibian NACF has increased more than 677 million won in 2015 to 27 million won (2.05 billion won).

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