Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Choejonggu Export-Import Bank "boulders covered salryeoya blue chip companies."

"Should do your best to ensure that the Export-Import Bank of policy financial institutions can survive obscured the blue-chip companies boulders." [Korea's Choice Financial News Reporter]

Choejonggu new Korea Export-Import Bank (pictured) from 7 days to his inaugural address' private financial institutions shipbuilding and may be in also capable of regenerating it and reduce the support for such shipping industry enterprise risk, said "Traditionally, the growth of our economy and Although exports have led to a drastic needs to show willingness to help support the global phase mercury can regain competitiveness examine closely the possibility of recovery for the industry or the company you are experiencing difficulties, he said.

Choejonggu new haengjang graduated from gangreunggo, Korea and International Trade, born in 1957 and entered the administration office notified circuit 25. Director of Finance and Economy foreign capital, international finance manager, international financial base unit through a hearing officer, international director of finance, how the international economic officer (secretary) are classified as' International tub. Since after the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) Senior Vice President since January last year, it has custody of Seoul Guarantee SGI CEO.

Choejonggu haengjang performs yideokhun haengjang followed by three years tenure as 19 export and import Bank. The day before term started in earnest (6) choejonggu haengjang is known to have a prayer meeting with union representatives mercury.

Choejonggu haengjang is "recorded its first deficit since its last established, and even greater voice to concerns about the soundness of mercury, said there 'game over the floor as long as the cycle must come a riser, mercury greater role when the game difficult so you need to get out consistently it said it would perform a given duty.

Choejonggu haengjang is' plant, utilizing a variety of financing means only PF · SF, complex finance, development finance, such as mercury actively to overcome the major orders in industry is undergoing a cliff overseas construction 'and' from business opportunities step the customer company and a full consultation, and also plans to expand 'support for the new growth industries such as services, energy and transport devices for the future to financial support measures.

Choejonggu haengjang is "according to the Industrial Revolution is the fourth new growth industry should actively help establish itself as a new growth engine of our economy," he said.

Also choejonggu haengjang stressed that 'promoting a sustainable new markets like Africa, Iran, and private financial institutions will perform the role financial platform to advance accompanied.

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