Thursday, March 30, 2017

CJ Presidio Way, environmentally friendly agricultural cooperatives' morning Maru supply

A [financial newspaper gimeunji Korea News] professional catering and food materials distribution company CJ, CJ Group plans to offer a fresh way to NACF's leading premium brand of environmentally friendly agricultural products' morning Maru products.

CJ Freshway has signed a supply agreement for the cooperatives' morning Maru ssangrimdong headquarters in Seoul, Korea in the last 28 days. Depending on the agreement, CJ Freshway mainly supply the 'morning Maru products that were distributed in one-Mart cooperatives in the country through the B2B route.

'Morning Maru Agricultural products are of premium own-brand (PB) has passed through a rigorous screening process, including pesticide residue testing until immediately before the distribution, from the production stage.

CJ Freshway plans to distribute as lettuce, carrots, mushrooms, etc. is expected to deal with items of 49 species, including English, nursery or kindergarten are required relatively high infant ingredients stability facility.

CJ Freshway product team official "NACF" morning Maru has gained a high level of confidence to the consumer in that they can eat believe in peace "and" bringing in a particularly sensitive infants facility safety and hygiene to ease the worries of parents At the same time will allow chaenggil to children's health, "he said.

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