Thursday, March 30, 2017

Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, audit opinion 'limited' ... Financial authorities, "added support as scheduled."

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper News] Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering from the external auditors of Samil received a 'limited due to the limited scope audit "opinion on last year's year-end closing audit report was published correction 29.

Once designated as a gotta limited opinion Management Company is stopped trading stocks. However, Daewoo Shipbuilding has already been trading stocks accounting fraud allegations standstill since last July. This impacts on the designated managing stocks are expected to be minimal. 2017 When businesses receive a second consecutive year to year Limited comments may be traded abolished. Management Company specified when DSME are excluded from the KOSPI 200 constituents.

This is going to be accomplished on debt restructuring, securities to repay the principal amount of the overall shipbuilding industry crush was pointed out that easy.

Wednesday DSME in relation to that received an audit opinion 'limited' Son Byeongdu finance committee standing committee members is "I will push as planned Daewoo Shipbuilding Restructuring Plan assumes the loss sharing of stakeholders," he said, "Daewoo reason Shipbuilding received limited feedback the solution eliminated by early closing time will be resumed in September, stocks trading, "he said.

Daewoo Shipbuilding side seeking to improve its financial structure to address the limited comments, said it would fulfill the lexical plan.

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