Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Exchange, 3, 5, 10-year government bond futures final settlement based on specified bonds

[Korea financial newspaper goyounghun News] Korea Exchange will come 22 days from '93 KTB futures trading 2017 futures (KTB3F1709), 5-year government bond futures September 2017 futures (KTB5F1709) and 10-year government bond futures September 2017 futures (KTB10F1709 ) specifies that the final payment of said bonds based on 21 days.

Treasury bond futures final settlement based on the Korea Exchange, which is the bond derivatives market business regulations enforcement regulations Article 20 of Article 4 of 4 specify how interest payments six months pursuant to government bonds.

Treasury bond futures par value $ 0.10, actually to a combination of already issued treasury bonds this treasury does not exist to be similar to the base the Korea Exchange assets, these treasury final payment based on a derivative of the treasury of the surface interest rate of 5% as an underlying asset the bonds.

The final payment in kind by reference bond yield shall publish such Infomax through the Korea Financial Investment Association 11:30 every day, we calculate on the basis of 15:30 Korea Financial Investment Association's website and Koscom CHECK terminal, Union.

In addition, during the coming 27 days upon final payment in kind by reference bond yield calculation time of the Korea Financial Investment Association from 11:30 every day, every 11-30 minutes at 15 will be changed 30 minutes, 16 o'clock.

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