Thursday, March 2, 2017

Financial Investment Association, Real Estate Asset Management Investment weekend course offerings

[Korea financial newspaper nine hyerin News] Korea Financial Investment Association (Chairman hwangyounggi) Financial Investment Education investment asset management (securities operations professionals), professional staff real estate investment assets that have to be completed for the conduct of real estate investment asset management business registration in opened from April 14 managers coming weekend courses and receive course registration until March 24th.

This process was designed to acquire real estate theory, learned directly actionable real estate investment management know-how and expertise in the field of real estate development through practice and risk management, the investment case analysis.

Students are expected to gain systematic learning, real estate investment asset management capabilities through practical case study on the property assessment and risk management for the understanding of the real estate market through the same process, the relevant laws.

Duration is a party of 14 April and in May a total of 10 days 54 hours up to 20 days, state education subjects enrolled in pass investment asset management test or appointed association of securities operations professionals qualified in accordance with the regulations for the financial investment industry, (nine) normal operation test professionals (nine) collective investment asset managers tested, (former) asset test design professionals, (former) limited to invest discretionary asset management exam passers.

Course registration details and other details can be found in the Financial Investment Education Institute.

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