Friday, March 24, 2017

Gimwongyu NH Investment & Securities Chairman, 24 established reappointed one shares series

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] NH Investment & Securities has 24 days to hold the 50th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders at NH Investment & Securities Building in Yeouido and admitted that gimwongyu CEO for re-election.

Also approved the financial statements and elect the directors and auditors, and declares cash dividends 400 won (450 won preferred shares). Dividend payout ratio is 57.2%, dividends totaled 120.7 billion won.

Directors and audit committee appointed In this day and the shareholders' meeting also approved the financial statements took place. History is Directors CEO has been appointed gimwongyu jeongyonggeun Mr. President, choehanmuk Audit Committee, non-executive directors on corporate directors.

There was also appointed outside directors passed yijangyoung audit committee, audit committee byeonchanwoo, Lee, Jeong - Jae audit committee. In addition, Mr. Seon - Gyoo, Kim also earned a name in the group of outside directors.

President Kim has played only 32 years in the securities industry since joining in 1985, Lucky Securities. In December 2014 he was inaugurated as first president NH Investment & Securities.

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