Thursday, March 16, 2017

Hyundai Motors 'electric vehicle 2017 International Expo' participation

[Korea financial newspaper stand hyomun News] Hyundai centered the middle child ohnik electric one yigwangguk Domestic Sales Division executive vice president and corporate officials and journalists have attended the "2017 International Electric Vehicle Expo in Yeomiji Botanical Garden is located in Jeju, Seogwipo City 16 days Korea announced the electric vehicle market expansion strategy and a child ohnik electric 'I (Eye) trim' release.

Hyundai has delivered a wide range of information for customers interested in purchasing the vehicles, including that of a customer experiences a child ohnik electric customers through this Expo describes the characteristics of the child ohnik Electric contemplating buying. This time, the newly launched kids ohnik Electric 'I trim' explained that mobility can offer more customers to configure more reasonable compared to trim existing specifications.

Yigwangguk Hyundai "Think significantly to announce the electric vehicle vision with the new I trim in a child ohnik Electric hometown Jeju" Domestic Sales Division Vice President said "HMC is further strengthening its leadership in the global eco-car market for electric vehicles said continuous research and development and will work to expand the supply, "said the eco-car market expanded around the child ohnik plan.

Meanwhile, children ohnik of Hyundai Electric has produced a blast showed the share of domestic electricity after the June 2004 launch of the car market recorded a 63.9% year sales 3749 2016 (total market volume 5858). Since the beginning of the year the electric car collusion took place about a month ago, 72% of sales during the half year period level in 2700 than the contract price.

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