Tuesday, March 14, 2017

IBK Industrial Bank, China's tourism-related damage limited company special support

[Korea financial newspaper sinyuncheol reporter] IBK Industrial Bank (Bank gimdojin) is tourism affected by South Korea travel restrictions in China? Stay? Food? Passenger transport lead from 15th to SMEs by the end of this year, 100 billion won scale of special funds today announced the support.

3 one hundred million won per company to support a loan limits, and the maximum reduction of 1.0% p lending rates for SMEs financial damage costs. Another such lending has simplified the review process to omit the working capital required for rapid calculation lending support.

If the extension of the grace period for principal repayment, and the maximum term of the loan had to be extended an additional period of up to one year.

Companies that receive special assistance are submitted to the bank branches fill the form "Confirmation of Korea Tourism-related damage limitation in China.

Industrial Bank of Korea official said, "plans to respond actively to SMEs affected by the restrictions of China's tourism capital needs."

The bank now has a bar last February and underwent small business and low credit rating of the SME, each one trillion won a total of 2 trillion by the special support program to promote economic recovery.

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