Friday, March 17, 2017

[美 interest rates - but without primer card loans, household

[Korea financial newspaper around the lower cervical News] US central bank Federal Reserve (Fed) The center decided to raise 0.25 percentage points to the base rate at the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) 0.50 ~ 0.75% to 0.75% to 1.0%, in card loans there is growing concern about the voice. In particular, the higher the voice card companies have a delinquency rate will rise while ahninya card loans increased billings card loans while increasing revenue last year.

16 days, according to financial authorities and financial industry, the last 15 days and the credit card company Capital Finance Authority has four representatives and conference urged the household debt-related care. Jinungseop Financial Supervisory Service is the end of last year, eight full-time, there is a vulnerable heart card loans bad possibilities fears in accordance with the economic plunge, credit card company representatives meeting in with said first quarter card loans soaring credit card companies target card loans handled Status and Review adequacy to "prevent this It said it will be checked and the like.

The FSS said the proceeds of card loans card loans adequacy test identified targets KB Kookmin Card with one card.

The effects of the financial authorities balloon loan consolidation in banking cases and monitoring the card loans, card loans this is because of the surge in revenue means the issuer.

According to the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS), last card loans, cash advance yiyongaek has increased by 3.5% year-on-year to 97.9 trillion won. Card loans grew 10% last year to 38.6 trillion won. In fact, Shinhan Card card loans grew 11% last year pumped eight trillion won recorded in the previous year. 8 credit card companies card loans industry before interest income increased by 297.2 billion won.

Card loans in the banking sector has attracted wear that is the most dangerous in household loans.

The financial officials 'most dangerous thing the US card loans with interest rate hikes, saying' interest rates are bound to get a lot of high impact on the rate hike, he said.

It pointed out that running a fast and convenient viscosity card loans loans risk factors.

Another financial officials' to suppress that household debt is not reduced loan demand, "he said, saying" card loans card loans will be driven by the savings banks tightened when the savings bank loans in that bank prepared quickly and easily.

Delinquency, such as asset quality has remained the same level as in 2015. Last year, the credit card companies card loan delinquency rate was maintained last year (2.24%) to 2.26%.

Credit Finance Association official said, the higher the interest rate burden is increased because card loans are likely to increase the delinquency 'shall be closely watching the trend Loans "he said.

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