Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Jeungseonwi, accounting violations, hangnam built together, including five Sanctions

[Korea financial newspaper goyounghun News] FSC Securities and Futures Commission measures over the last 28 days 4 Securities issued for five companies, including violation of accounting standards at the meeting to create the financial statements, disclose the hangnam limit, auditors specify such .

According to the first day jeungseonwi hangnam 10 months, it was the securities issued limitation, the auditor 3 years designated measures to Consolidated Financial Statements errors.

Great Lakes Hitech has received a two-year action eight months to issue securities based sales and purchases a false limitation, the auditor assigned. The industry is one trillion days two auditors designated four months to issue such securities sales and cost of sales accounted for over-year limit, jemaen Company was cheobunreul designated officer to two years limited to four securities pledged not to raise the contents month.

Bild also received four months to gather restrictions listed securities to valuation allowances to be false, disciplinary officer designated two months.

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