Tuesday, March 14, 2017

· KB Financial Group, Shinhan one shareholders' season opener

[South Korea's Choice Financial newspaper reporter] key financial holding based on the saoeyi Photo strengthened financial expertise they have entered a shareholders' meeting in March season.

According to 14 days the financial sector, KB Financial Group is a financial holding one after another (17 days) 23 days starting SFG, 24 days will hold a shareholders' meeting.

SFG is expected this year and gobuin outside directors whose terms have expired at this shareholders' meeting, namgunghun other emergency non-Japanese directors instead bakansun confirmed by Daesung Group Chairman and Chief Financial Supervisory jujaeseong former Vice outside directors. Shinhan Financial Group said, "was a term reflecting the changes in the articles of association 'Act' undertaken since last August, financial institutions governance.

KB Financial Group is expected to be elected at a shareholders' meeting this Stuart Solomon, former president of MetLife as a new outside director. KB Financial Group has put together a picture saoeyi increasing the foreign outside directors to two people with Eunice Kim Hee outside directors whose terms have been extended to seven.

KB deems finance officials' The Board of Directors is to go after the stable well-established governance structure since the 2015 Corporate Governance Task 'said' to maintain the independence and professionalism, and versatility of the Board of Directors desirable for long-term development of KB Financial Group was' he said.

Hana Financial Group is also planning to appoint a professor at Ewha Womans University chaeunyoung hongeunju outside directors whose terms have expired on the spot that this shareholders' meeting. Professor chaeunyoung the Financial Services Commission Financial Development Review Committee, Outside Director, Hana Bank career.

In the banking industry devoting attention to Jean confirmed that the financial holding company directors in this shareholders' meeting. Outside Directors is responsible for determining the geochwi an important role of CEO (CEO). Go through a "savings bank crisis' (2011), 'KB crisis' (2014) Financial companies have been required to enhance management transparency.

According to a new ruling syntax, it was enhanced qualifications of independent directors. Concurrent became the first strictly limited. The maximum term is also limited in the company six years, nine years as affiliates combined. If the bank (holding), excluding subsidiaries and other companies outside directors Concurrent is prohibited.

In particular expertise commensurate with financial institutions outside directors are highlighted. The "financial, management, economics, law, accounting, consumer protection sector expertise and wealth of practical experience, training and human resources should be managed by outside director candidates.

Gimwoojin Senior Research Fellow in the 'outside directors' remuneration level assessment and assignment of domestic banks 'Report of the Korea Institute of Finance is' the core of it enabled the Board whether you can afford the personnel that much expertise rather than maintenance and the role of outside directors 'saying' ex CEO, CFO, etc. are rich in important financial personnel recruitment experience as a chief executive and, if proven expertise in the market, even former officials, there is no reason to exclude from the outside director candidates, he said.

Meanwhile, according to the companies outside directors repair status data, the average payment last year, outside directors Hana 59 million won, 57 million won, Shinhan Financial, KB Financial Group Inc. ₩ 80 million.

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