Wednesday, March 22, 2017

KB Kookmin Bank, "the fourth industrial revolution 'relevant investment fund sales

[Korea financial newspaper sinyuncheol reporter] KB Kookmin Bank (Bank yunjonggyu) artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous cars, such as to lead to the fourth industrial revolution, mainly investment funds, goods two kinds of technology innovators today announced sale coming from 23 days. The two kinds of products can be joined through KB Kookmin Bank branches.

"Fidelity Global Technology Fund invests in cloud computing, digital advertising, e-commerce, Internet of Things, such as big data technology sector. Technology companies worldwide, as well as an investment target companies that benefit of change and evolution of the consumer goods, retail and finance skills.

Samsung pikte Robotics Fund is a fund that invests in artificial intelligence, robot technology, robotics, biotechnology-related companies and the like. Provide artificial intelligence, robot technology, robotics, industrial investment opportunities in the center of the fourth industrial revolution, led by the life sciences.

In particular, the Fidelity Global Technology Fund is a "tax-free goods in foreign stocks," When you join up to the end of December this year, tax-free selling stocks and currency gains. After the pre-donation report by the donation limit amount when registering the fund as a child who has inherited the shares without the effect of taxes.

KB Kookmin Bank official said, "Recently, the sales and profits of the related companies increased in interest and expectation in for the Industrial Revolution 4th," he said. "We recommend the two funds registering as a way to enjoy the benefits of such market moves." he said.

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