Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Kiwoom overseas ELS launch event type

The [Korea hyerin nine financial newspaper reporter] Kiwoom (CEO gwonyongwon) collusion of two or overseas stocks type ELS (equity-linked securities) to seek a return of 11.5% this year.

This time, 74 times the global 100 trillion club ELS 'underlying assets of the two categories being introduced is the Facebook and Apple. Seek pre-tax annual return of 11.5% and a maturity of three years. Issued jimyeo the early repayment opportunity every six months given after 90% of both the underlying assets to be early repayment evaluate the initial reference price (6 months, 12 months, 18 months), 85% (24 months, 30 months, 36 months) 34.5% is the highest if there is more than repaid (annual rate of return of 11.5% before tax) income. Stigma barrier is 60%.

Kiwoom official said, "Among the recent successive early repayment of ELS, they were looking for more overseas investors to seek higher returns ELS-type events more," said the release of the goods reason.

The underlying asset is Korea, Europe and the indices KOSPI200 index representing China and Eurostoxx50 index, HSI index of "Kiwoom 673 times the ELS '. Maturity is three years and 92% every six months from the date of issue of early repayment opportunity is given both the underlying assets to be early repayment evaluate the initial reference price (6 months, 12 months), 85% (18 months, 24 months) 80% (30 months, 36 months) or more if the highest 21.9% (annual rate of return of 7.3% before tax) revenue is repaid. However, if you have one of the underlying assets falls below the reference price for 55% of the initial investment period it can result in the loss of principal.

Subscription deadline is 17 to 13 o'clock. Event proceeds also being targeted at the first trading customers. For more information, see the website or when you contact Kiwoom Kiwoom financial center.

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