Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Korea Investment & Securities 4.4% annual contest, including 10 kinds of lizards seek Type ELS

That [South Korea financial newspaper goyounghun News] Korea Investment & Securities is coming nine days S & P500, NIKKEI225, recruits 'TRUE ELS 8453 times Lizard power step-down type' to the EUROSTOXX50 underlying asset to the extent of a total of 5 billion won to the said seven days.

"ELS Lizard 'is a lizard (Lizard) refers to the products of the new structure is to add the condition to ELS will refund the product even in the middle early in the bear market does not repay as to escape the crisis cut tail.

'TRUE ELS 8453 times (6 months) 90% of all the underlying asset price first base price every six months in an annular unit 3 years and 6 months maturity jogisang, 85% (12 - 18 months), 80% (24, 30 months) , if 65% (maturity) redeemable in annual revenue is more than 4.40%.

However, the second early repayment valuation (12 months) did not meet the above early repayment terms up to even if you've never fallen in all the underlying asset is less than 65% of the initial base price up to that time been paid Lizard yield of annual 4.40% redemption do.

If the failure to meet all of the above repayment terms to maturity and repayment terms Lizard is a loss of principal maturities of the underlying assets decline as much as usual step-down power structure. When fire meets the conditions of principal loss is 100-35%.

Two won DS Division Manager, said, "In uncertain market conditions is a wise way to invest in investment products with high hwangeumseong Lizard ELS is an alternative."

During the same period, it recruited kinds of products ELB 1 · ELS 8 kinds · DLS 1 a total of 10 kinds of species, the minimum subscription limit is $ 500.

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