Thursday, March 16, 2017

KTB group, 30 Thai listed companies, the industry's first IR ... 428 trillion in emerging markets

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] KTB Korea's first financial group to proceed to the IR (Investor Meeting) Thailand subsidiary.

KTB Financial Group subsidiary in Thailand KTBST (KTB Securities Thailand) is Yoido coming 30 days Hotel Conrad in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) together with 'SET Korea Roadshow 2017' to be held 16 days they said.

The event will be participated in eight listed companies, such as Thailand, including the largest retail subsidiary of CP Food Distribution Group CP, real estate development company representative AMATA. Each company executives meet directly with domestic institutional investors have the opportunity to introduce a strong growth potential and prospects of the leading company in Thailand. 8 companies for each small group meetings and one: one way to proceed is, will attend more than 50 domestic institutional investors.

SET has a year to promote the Thai capital market to target the United States, Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore and proceed with the roadshow for local investors. Korea was the first to organize a road show in the KTBST Korea.

Day of Dr. SET Santi, Vice President (Senior Executive Vice President) attended the 'An Introduction to Thai Stock Market' in the subject of the overall Thai stock market introduction and growth potential for the lecture is going to be.

Representatives of the win (Win) KTBST is "will Through the SET Roadshow will be a good opportunity to increase understanding of and interest in the Thai Equity Market of Korea institutional investors, to contribute to expanding trading future inter-country bilateral Equity Division expect, "he said.

The KTBST while ensuring 100% of the securities companies in Thailand FES 2010 as a subsidiary of KTB Investment & Securities Thailand Equity has entered into a Korean securities companies in Thailand only. Jungyimyeo 397 people, including locals working CEO, has been focusing on brokerage, as well as private equity and IB business.

Thai stock market has traded the current market capitalization is around 655 companies and 35% of South Korea's KOSPI stock market by market capitalization of about 428 trillion won.

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