Monday, March 20, 2017

Neungseo cooperatives, the first half of last year's No. 1 overall achievement rating

[South Korea Lee, Dong - Kyu financial newspaper reporter] neungseo cooperatives (union president Lee, Myoung - Ho) announced that it has achieved the first place in the National Assessment Group in the first half year 2016 overall achievement. Total economic sales of the business performance showed a 9.0% growth YoY to 33.013 billion won (30.281 billion won).

Mutual credit is 98.718 billion won average balance of deposits, mutual funds have posted an average financial loans 76.622 billion won.

Neungseo cooperatives last year, gross profit was recorded at 5.816 billion won, operating profit was 1.536 billion won in net income was 823 million won.

To support educational expenses for agricultural materials fee, student union child support, insurance support farmers 'safety, various farmers' union silik reduction projects such as health screening and support, training delegates neungseo cooperatives were enforcing the 720 million won.

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