Sunday, March 5, 2017

Saad headwinds in China Merchants Securities Korea first advance

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporters] to enter the Chinese mainland brokerages are beginning to Korea. Recently peninsula altitude amid China's economic retaliation against placing missile defense system (Saad) is determined and the problem of domestic securities firms entering China is getting attention.

According to the financial investment industry, it has applied for five days Portrait securities investment brokerage boninga last February 24, the Financial Services Commission. Portrait Securities is a subsidiary of one of China's large state-owned enterprise group, developing countries seconds equity securities of over 8 trillion won five Chinese financial venture.

Currently, Seoul Branch is located in Yeouido and the IFC have already established domestic subsidiaries. Is there scope of application portrait Stock're missing the "e-banking" known to be operating mainly institutional investors rather than consumer personal finance.

Portrait securities official explained, "1 to 2 months seem to take boninga approval period" and "Recent Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) and can respond in due diligence."

Portrait securities are to co-host several domestic securities firms, one financial investment and domestic capital markets seminar is friendly compared to other securities companies in China. It has a capital expansion plans capital increase through the first half seems to engage in outbound business expansion.

But industry insiders have predicted that "there is also likely to face a lull in the domestic entry of these Chinese capital due to the siting of this Lotte Group Saad."

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