Friday, March 24, 2017

Samsung Fire - signed for Buddhism to, risk management, comprehensive consulting agreement

He said [Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter - has signed a "business agreement (MOU) for Buddhism to comprehensive risk management consulting, and Samsung Fire in the last 23 days of Buddhism to Korea's Buddhist History and Culture Museum.

This day signing ceremony was conducted among 10 people attended the two parties, such as Samsung Fire & General Insurance Managing Director and Head of yibeom Jogye Order chongmuwon rhymes business manager.

Buddhist temples are in many cases high but the cultural values ​​consisting of two wooden buildings were ever difficult to fire insurance.

Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance has analyzed the risks Jogye Order of the facility plans to provide a system that can manage risk through a systematic them to Jogye Order last year.

In addition, Samsung will continue to fire risk management consulting for the Jogye Order, property such as temples, educational institutions, museums, and reportedly plan to develop a tailor-made insurance products.

Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance director Jan organizations Biz said, "I will make the best practices to deliver professional risk management know-how to prevent religious facilities, and win a major accident."

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