Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Samsung Securities, 5.28% pre-tax annual income monthly payment formula ELS Recruitment

[Korea financial newspaper nine hyerin News] Samsung Securities (President yunyongam) monthly payment formula for payments of pre-tax month 0.44% (annual 5.28%) if it meets, the conditions and the asset based on the three index to 23 this coming ELS including conspiracy to recruit the type derivatives products.

If the monthly payment formula ELS 15724 times in Europe (EuroStoxx50), Hong Kong (HSI), the US (S & P 500) and the three indices as an underlying asset, three indices are all more than 60% of the base price will be paid in pretax month 0.44% .

Also, be given an early repayment opportunity to step-down structure every six months, all three indices are 95% of the base price (6, 12 months), 90% (18 months), 85% (24 months), 80% (30 months ) If the repayment is 75% (36 months) or more.

However, even if one of the underlying assets and have declined to less than 50% loss of principal may occur if you do not meet the repayment terms.

Samsung Securities official explained that "monthly payment formula ELS may seek stable cash flow per month, divided by receiving because of high interest to retirees income taxation and financial subjects.

Samsung Securities has launched a variety of products tailored to the investor demand, including securitized derivatives of structure that can reliably expect a high return, including yunyongam President emphasized the strengthening product competitiveness.

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