Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Shinhan Bank, 'M-Folio Asset Management happiness' event

[Korea sinyuncheol financial newspaper reporter] Shinhan Bank announced the implementation of "happiness Asset Management Event 'to customers who experience an asset designed using the M-Folio from the 15th to the end of April or the new fund targets.

M-Folio provides Robo advisors and experts tailored asset management services that accommodate your personal investment tendencies in asset management dedicated mobile app, Shinhan Bank launched the first banknote. A portfolio can be invested ₩ 100,000 from the fund and sign up through the M-Folio customers can continue to receive diagnosis and asset rebalancing proposed service.

This gives you the M-Folio During the event 'Robo smart suggestions, and experience design portfolio using the "meticulous expert suggestions" for 1,000 mobile customers through a convenience store lottery Gifticon 3 cheonwongwon.

In addition, Shinhan Bank Teller latest laptops (one) account and certified with a certificate through a lottery for customers new to after portfolio designed Fund, Polaroid camera (4), Dining Voucher 10 manwongwon (5) including a generous prize further it provides.

Winning Customers can check the contents by Shinhan Bank website May 12 and will be notified for its customers.

Shinhan Bank official said, "has gained a high Followers enough to Shinhan M-Folio, despite the high volatility of world markets reap a stable investment performance and experience of the customer portfolio in November last year after the enforcement Services 14 million people" and "the future effective I will continue working to make over the property management can be a force banks to their customers, "he said.

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