Thursday, March 23, 2017

Shinyoung Securities, early repayment possibilities, such as enhanced release three kinds of ELS

[Korea financial newspaper goyounghun News] Shinyoung Securities from 23 to 24, at noon, the first early repayment terms, up Plan exponential ELS ', including the ELS to enable rapid repayment set low at 85% 2 species and equity-linked derivatives the contest combines the four (ELB).

The "Plan-up once the 6320 securitized derivatives (non-proof of principal) is S & P500 index, NIKKEI225 index, 3-year step-down type ELS EuroStoxx50 to the index as an underlying asset. Annual 4.0% if the three basic closing price of the assets to be early repayment assessment return every six months, 85% of the initial reference price (6, 12, 18 months), 80% (24 months), 75% (30 months) or more ( the payments of pre-tax). If, however, due to some reviews the underlying asset, even less than 65% of the initial reference price could result in the loss.

"Plan-up once the 6321 securitized derivatives (non-proof of principal) is NIKKEI225 index, HSI index, the 3-year step-down type ELS EuroStoxx50 to the index as an underlying asset. Three basic price is 95% (6 - 12 months) of the initial reference price of the asset to the early repayment valuation back every six months, 90% (18 months), 85% (24 months), 80% (30 months) or more When should a payment of 6.5% a year (before tax).

However, even a one day assessment due to the underlying asset if you have dropped to less than 50% of the initial reference price could result in the loss.

"Up Plan combines four times the 156 equity-linked derivative 'is due to the 18-month product KOSPI200 index as an underlying asset. At least 0.5% (pre-tax, annual 0.33%), is characterized by the highest possible profit 6.95% (pretax, annual 4.63%). However, due to the underlying asset price valuation may never exceed 115% of the initial reference price is paid only 0.5% of revenue (pre-tax, annual 0.33%) If you have less than 85%.

Sign up and is available to ₩ 100,000 units of at least 100 million yuan, more consultation is when all branches or call the Customer Support Center Shinyoung Securities. The securitized derivatives may result in loss of principal in accordance with the operating results or moderate buyback.

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