Friday, March 24, 2017

Vice gimnamgu "This year, the United States targeting the local network ... Financial institutions equity review "

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] gimnamgu Korea Investment Holdings vice president, he said, "This year will focus on advanced financial markets as a strategic partner network configuration". For this purpose, he said, "how to invest in shares of US local financial institutions will also be reviewed."

Gimnamgu said the Korea Investment Holdings Vice Chairman the 24th and 15th group Reporters meet this year's business plan, as after the end of the General Meeting of Shareholders

Vice Chairman Kim explained, "The financial techniques developed markets in the US are starting to come to Korea through Europe and Japan," he said "this year will be an important base for the US subsidiary of Korea Investment Partners was established in San Francisco."

He said, "give Indonesian market, including Vietnam entered the existing road and are especially observing the US market aggressively," he said "the financial markets, I think you rushed to open on the most important reliability is not planning to be launched within no later than the first half there, "he said.

Followed by selecting departments sourcing, "If brought a product developed in the United States to Korea expanding even local financial institutions Korea sales network, and we also adapt it will be also for the new system," said "products also went to the local reporting more that there was a good chance to meet. "

Korea Investment Holdings is a business which focuses this year was told the bank specializes in internet bank cacao. Cacao bank has goals in the first half of April sales start coming after obtaining the boninga.

Vice Chairman Kim, "whether it is important to take some synergy and cacao bank to start this year," said "last year found a subsidiary of investment capital and product sales to create a good performance in the savings bank" and said it would focus on collaboration strategy affiliates. He said that the strategies and initiatives that can make a very large synergy between IB department also starting this year.

Korea Investment Holdings has jaesinim a professor at Korea University and Hobart baejongseok Lee Epstein, former vice president of Tong Yang at the shareholders' meeting the day outside directors. Re-elected as Director of the agenda of the Bulletin of the remuneration of outside directors from the 50 billion to 10 billion won to increase two-fold agenda were also approved.

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