Friday, March 31, 2017

Watching the event, Korea Investment & Securities excellent customer invited "Lee Eun-gyeol magic '

[Korea financial newspaper goyounghun News] Korea Investment Holdings subsidiary Korea Investment & Securities is the 30th Seoul Chungmu Art're performing a great success in the Center Theater "The ilrusyeon of Lee Eun-gyeol (The illusion) 'a bang Kiss (BanKIS) online service brand to show loyalty It had invited to the event to watch.

In the event planned as part of the diverse cultural experience events, to convey our gratitude to the excellent customer who's with last year, Bang kiss was better spot to watch the ilrusyeon performances introduced information unique directing and collaboration with a wide range of genres. After watching the show had a great time, and with Mr. magician Lee Eun-gyeol a family photo taken time.

Lee Byeongcheol General Manager eBusiness "This event was ready to put a special thanks to those who kiss bang customers. To continue the rapport with customers online will offer a variety of programs, such as cultural, leisure and experience, "he said.

For more information related to the event are invited to contact us if you kiss bang your team.

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