Monday, April 3, 2017

Daewoo · NH, platforms, smash 'IFA countdown'

Introduction in the financial newspaper goyounghun Korea News] The independent investment advisors (IFA) introduction of financial authorities countdown this regard may become busy movement of securities. Asset Management (WM) a strong customer more or online brokers are waiting for the introduction of the government the situation has already completed a large part IFA year.

According to the 3rd financial investment industry gathered a lot of people than you expect, "investment advisory notice best practices presentations, held three days last month revealed an interest in IFA. Once the system is implemented if the IFA over 100 million won in capital and commercial law legal person business it can also be an investment advice. Related Capital Markets Act amendment is expected to soon be institutionalized into the Legislation Review.

IFA is available for free consultation platform for financial institutions, but it is possible to only receive fees from investors. Theory sangeuron one company is possible but must be accompanied by a report due to back-office business support services. Offline only S-Class is available it becomes more products can double the competitiveness of advisors.

IFA related to the first one of the brokerage firms began preparing NH Investment & Securities has formed a Task Force in January Related (TF). Currently six persons has a bunjuhi system response.

NH Investment & Securities envisions additional features to an existing IFA advisors dedicated Home Trading System (HTS) · Mobile platforms. Robo advisor discretionary, advisory platforms, today introduced the first half of last year.

Advisory platform that goes into the net, such as navigation advisors, advisory agreements, OK, rebalancing trade policy is to leverage the strengths of NH Investment and Securities. ELS private investment solutions, i-select, seems to be a smart investment strategy ETF Investors, fund PSR (Portfolio Strategy & Risk Analysis) is key to do the old program in conjunction with the new IFA and the like. Advisory Edition feature advisor contract management system and plans to add advisory fees settled by the customer such as customer-specific contract management, advisory, investment advisory bereavement tendencies management. As well as pre-emptive, huchwi performance fee is also available.

In addition it also has strategies to strengthen such ETF trading system divided according to the DIY platform, price fluctuations, which can be designed rongsyot portfolio strategy by selecting the item directly from your mobile plan to leverage automated online management program. And related presentations are also available on the 6th of this month.

NH Investment & Securities said, "Our sales possible IPO fund sales ratio is also the industry's highest level of dogs month based on a total of 2422," he said "self-fund analysis model utilized fund-star rating given and the various programs is also envisioned, such as asset management companies organizing fund Seminar" he said.

Daewoo Mirae Asset is a perspective hagetdaneun leverage its investment advisory services platform "through consultation". The industry's first comprehensive advisory system Mirae treatment is said to pack the latest relevant TF is working on a prickly response.

Mobile consultation through treatment of Mirae Asset Investment Advisors is an open market, add the Advisory Agreement and office management functions and various orders infrastructures. IFA as well as striving for wealth management encompassing even Robo Advisor. Through the establishment of natural services and the investment advisors who gotta existing connections it can continue to expand the customer base management.

Advisory barrel of Daewoo Mirae is equipped with a discretionary investment contract asset management scale corresponding to 1.4 trillion won in the last 2 99 Investment Advisory per month. It is possible to identify customer-specific investor information management certificate the investor tendencies. Daewoo Mirae Asset said, "investment advisory was only haejuneunde objective comparison of the goods to the customer and connects the agreement," he said. "When you add the IFA has introduced advisory services agreement relating to the various attempts to try him."

Online brokerages Kiwoom has also planned the IFA platform. Kiwoom is preparing an advisory platforms adviser Marketplace Weed (With) a plan to enter the market as having that system is implemented. There deulyigo considerable balls in robotic advisor you can also expect to see online content relating to this future association.

Samsung Securities has also established a month maintenance personnel TF. It plans to reflect a bit late but immediately as soon as the system was introduced, rather than treat or NH. Samsung Securities, which shows a variety of strategies related to investment recommendation Representatives (FA) is based business model that can help in the operating activities of the existing FA in mind.

Industry insiders said, "It seems you do not look to increase the initial new entity chosen because you have not yet tried Islands" and "seems to overcome the reluctance of customers to the advisory commission with enhanced qualities of advisors to be of the essence." he says.

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