Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Dongbu Insurance, Property Management acquired the exclusive license insurance costs

[Korea gimseunghan financial newspaper reporter] Dongbu launched one month 'rent administrative expenses insurance' had acquired an exclusive license for three months.

In particular, this product has been evaluated Dongbu sikyeotdaneun enhance the benefits of creativity, and consumers by introducing a guaranteed rental losses that may occur to the landlord for the first time in Korea.

This Dongbu was to obtain a second exclusive license following the "pro US Nonpar life a good comprehensive insurance, acquired in February.

Property Management expenses insurance is characterized by ensuring the various risks of rental housing projects that may arise because of the death of such solitude that Sawa Suicide recent buzzword. In addition, if the vacancy caused by the four tenants of solitude, suicide, murder occurred in a given house room to renting lease it gives operators compensate the loss of rent for up to 12 months.

In addition to the rent loss △ through a special agreement, such as the landlord's rent losses Special Conditions, △ keepsake cleanup costs Special Conditions, △ restitution costs it can prepare a variety of risks.

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