Friday, April 21, 2017

KEB, Hana Bank, held "real estate seminar tour '

It said it held the Third Estate Seminar Tour '[Korea sinyuncheol financial newspaper reporter] KEB, Hana Bank (Bank hamyoungju) for VIP guests Seongsu-dong in the last 20 days.

"Real Estate Seminar Tour" tour will be conducted in the field of more than 10 types of KEB and Hana Bank's PB real estate professionals to directly explore the investment interest in the pre-selection with 20 participants.

To the effect that he would explore the site with not just investment counseling office offers a realistic real estate investment advisory services, has been implemented to target the applicant of the VIP guests.

Day, participants were Seongsu-dong and walk to nearby attractions and commercial areas with real estate and financial experts analyze the investment point and location requirements and provide specific investment advice services, through a free real-time questions and answers.

Moreover, even were provided with advance information on various investment Notes and price analysis was based on direct analysis of the sale of the commercial district in KEB, Hana Bank Real Estate Agency WM Advisory Center.

Last Bukchon, followed by the Hongdae 'Third Estate Tour "held at the beginning of this year Seongsu-dong has recently been closed, thanks to the high level of satisfaction apply for an hour known only to the interests and whilst the results of the seminar on real estate income type.

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