Friday, April 7, 2017

KEB, Hana Bank, 'KEB pay a Samsung service' implementation

Conducted in partnership with the announced [Korea sinyuncheol financial newspaper reporter] KEB, Hana Bank (Bank hamyoungju) Samsung Electronics' KEB pay a Samsung Service "from the 6th.

'KEB pay a Samsung Service "if only smartphone that Samsung support page without card or bank account is an ATM withdrawal transactions and account history lookup services available through Samsung Apps page.

If you register your account through a process such as fingerprints and transaction password, and sign registration page at Samsung Apps it is available immediately. Available as a free account you opened your bank account at one bank KEB, it is possible to register up to 10.

If after entering the select one of the accounts registered with the Samsung pay app, account and password chulgeumaek (via one of the fingerprint, transaction password authentication) contacting a smart phone to an ATM withdrawal transaction is performed. Withdrawal limit is up to 30 per million yuan, one day cumulative 300,000 won.

KEB, Hana Bank official said, "the Bank is already a mobile banking app (1Q Bank) created a certification number on, has provided a possible 'mobile account services, instant cash withdrawals from an ATM or branch," he said. "One here KEB Samsung pay services will add further improved the ease of use of the guests to, "he said.

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