Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Oil hits Securities, Tea radar Investment Academy "rehabilitation project"

To be carried out 'Tea radar Investment Academy "for all the investors, who are experiencing difficulties in three days between the equity investment from April 27 this coming [Korea Seo Hye Rin nine financial newspaper News] Oil hits securities up to 29 days.

'Rebirth (更生) project, which goes under the theme of this Investment academy was established as a customized lesson for investors experiencing difficulties viewing or frequent losses in equity investments in the stock selection and timing understand marketing.

Oil hits Securities Tea radar instructor and Kim pupil researcher analyzed the reasons why stock investing is difficult through the major financial failures, useful content to determine through a patented artificial intelligence HTS 'Tee Raider sports selection and sale point including combat trafficking and it talks about the how to best use them.

Gimseokhwan Global Investment Research Information Center will also introduce ways to make it easier to access foreign equity theme is "Global Equity Strategy Using the Macro indicators.

Oil hits Securities Jeon Jinho Online Strategy Director "This investment Academy essential lesson for all investors who feel too difficult for equity investment," said, "a simple recommendation sport and many have failed experience as a marketing relies on subjective judgments or shares the price of long-term investment that you do not want to drop the cost to investors will be more profitable place that can come close to the success investment, "he said.

Investment Academy 4:00 9 pm on July 27, four with the same information, whether at 28th 13:30 3:30, from 29 April 10:00 a.m. until 12 proceeds from Tiffany Yu hits Securities headquarters third floor ganguijang .

Registration can apply for free does not have to be all organic hits Securities customers, and are first-come, first-served basis finishing every car allowance 50. Applications and inquiries are as if oil hits the securities, the national branch or customer support center.

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