Friday, April 7, 2017

One day, Bank of Yokohama conference next month

[Korea Selected financial newspaper reporters - commercial Bank of Korea and Japan have agreed to discuss financial cooperation in Japan next month.

According to the 7th President of the Union Bank financial market Bank of Japan and South Korea have opened a 'one day bankers conference' in Yokohama, Japan on May 8.

This is the first time the Bank of chief executive officer (CEO) of Korea and Japan gathered to open the conference.

Including the Bank of Korea in the hayounggu Union Chairman (photo), and Yun Jonggyu KB Financial Group President and KB Kookmin Bank, Shinhan Bank wiseongho, one hamyoungju KEB Bank to attend.

In Japan, attendance, etc. Tama Takashi Oya President of the National Union Bank and Mizuho Bank Tetsuo Aunt Lee, Takashi car Makoto Mitsui Bank.

The meeting was arranged to hayounggu President proposed to Oya Tama president. The two bankers are expected to discuss the financial cooperation of the private sector amid a diplomatic infarction.

Meanwhile, the domestic market hayounggu president and CEO will attend the 50th Asian Development Bank (ADB) Annual Meeting held in Yokohama next month, 4-7 days prior to the meeting.

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