Tuesday, April 18, 2017

P2P finance rendit 'rendit loan reassuring customers insurance services Initiation

[Korea financial newspapers around the lower cervical reporter] P2P finance rendit the initiates' rendit loan reassuring customers insurance services.

Rendit the BNP Paribas Cardiff bearing life and work agreements rendit loan customers start 'rendit loan customers reassuring insurance services, which repay the loan amount instead of lending customers when quality loan repayment difficult to death, or at least 80% impairment of the loan period He said 18 days.

Supported by the customer is subscribed to 'rendit loan reassuring customers insurance services, guests received a personal credit through rendit.

When you agree to the loan, the loan rendit reassuring customers insurance services' subscription is completed this application. Premiums are paid in full to rendit, as the loan amount is guaranteed up to 50 million won based on the total amount. Subscription in age is 20 years old to 65 years kkajida.

Kim Seongjun rendit representative said, "and recently surpassed the cumulative loan 40 billion won," 'rendit loan customers reassuring insurance services' for over will be able to get the loan repayment difficult lending worlds of effects available to the customer supports at the same time to P2P investments help protect customers. " so I will elaborate further raise operational strategy for the various cases as long as both the loan and investment customers increased rapidly, "he said.

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