Tuesday, April 4, 2017

SC First Bank, "premium customers' services performed

[Korea Selected financial newspaper reporters] SC First Bank has announced that it has begun four days a premium customer service that provide enhanced benefits to target customers from the House this month.

SC First private individuals to select customers who meet certain conditions of the customers various fees of banks and exchange fees by up to 70% preferential credit loans when interest rates and limit preferential, home providing mortgage loans during the annual maximum of 240,000 won cash back into the set, etc. the benefits are that service.

Selection criteria when mom receives flat balance if you have more than one million won investment products, yet more or month end received funds more than 30 million won 30 million won, last month saying the standard mortgage loan balance of more than 100 million won have, over the past three months salary transfers If this amount is met in such a thing as a monthly average of more than 400 million yuan.

SC First Bank advances premium events coming up on the 28th to celebrate the start of premium customer service. SC First Bank and gives a first transaction total annual interest rate of 1.8% in 2017, had first come, first served basis one-year time deposits to private clients.

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